Specifying the right beading for external rendering - Renderplas


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Specifying the right beading for the external rendering of residential housing and commercial buildings

Why use render beading? All beads, no matter their type, are designed to provide additional protection to render at its most vulnerable points. They prevent impact and wear-and-tear damage from passing people and objects, spalling through freeze-thaw action and cracks caused by any structural movement.

Rendering beads are extruded components that are punched with holes to provide a strong key to fix the render material to the surface wall when it reaches reveals, joints and corners or the end of a section of render. They create structurally sound and well-defined edges, support bold aesthetic choices, and prevent render damage.      

Although their function seems relatively straightforward, it should not be assumed all rendering beads are the same. It’s important to identify which options best suit the project specification, desired environmental and sustainability performance, and overall safety objectives. 

This CPD, brought to you by Renderplas, will cover:

  • What is rendering and why is beading important?
  • What are the various beading types on the market?
  • Meeting the required standards
  • Key criteria to look for when specifying beading solutions
  • What makes beading made from recycled PVC the right choice

Beading specification impacts on every phase of a rendering project including initial cost, ease of installation, quality of finish, corrosion protection, energy conservation and long-term durability.

There are clear benefits to undertaking product research and challenging the assumption all beading is the same. Leaving specification to the rendering contractor late into a project risks beading being selected because it is the cheapest or most easily available. It may not support the overall building goals as well as it could. 

As rendering grows in sophistication and ambition, recycled PVC beading is becoming the beading material of choice.

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