Euroclad - Essential considerations modern standing seam metal roofs and walls - CPD Video

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This RIBA approved presentation from the Euroclad Group, entitled ‘Essential considerations when selecting modern standing seam metal sheet & panel systems”, will guide you through the considerations when it comes to the selection of metal standing seam building envelopes and the impacts those choices can have on how your project meets the performance and compliance challenges facing the modern built environment.

This CPD will cover:

  • An overview of the choices available to you in standing seam metal building products
  • The challenges facing construction today and how they need to be considered if we are to truly create better buildings
  • An overview of the key Regulations and Approved Documents that influence the choice of products
  • The effect of choosing different materials on a range of performance requirements that are listed on the screen
  • A look at sustainability of products and some of the actions companies are taking in this area
  • A summary, followed by a quick overview of Euroclad

Traditional standing seam metal products using metals, such as lead, have been around for hundreds of years. The metal sheets are formed on site using manual techniques and to work these soft metals requires a highly skilled, specialist team of installers to achieve good installation. The results using these materials are often charming and distinctive due to the different colours each metal can display as they weather and age. They are more commonly used on roofs and form cold roof spaces.

The Building Regulations give a good guide to the issues to address, however, we know that a performance gap still exists. Actual performance of buildings in use is getting more focus especially now that the net zero carbon target been set. If standing seam metal envelope products are chosen carefully, they can help to ensure that buildings will be easier to construct, sustainable and built to last.

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Christopher Pomphrey
Christopher Pomphrey Euroclad Group LinkedIn
12 May 2022

Euroclad cpd

12 May 2022