ACAN - Circular Series:Riba Stage 0
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Launched this year, ACAN’s nine part Circular Series looks at how to apply circular economy principles at each RIBA Stage.
The first session focusing on RIBA Stage 0 featured presentations by Duncan Baker-Brown, architect and director of BBM Sustainable Design, and Richard Boyd, senior engineer at ARUP.
The need for a circular approach During RIBA Stage 0, the built environment professional is tasked with finding “the best means of achieving the client requirements” (RIBA, 2020). To unlock the circular economy potential of a project, it is useful to get the client on board with why a circular approach is needed and establish a clear vision for applying circular economy principles.
Held on 14th January 2021, the virtual event Circular Series: RIBA Stage 0 explored in depth, how key circular economy principles can be tackled at this early stage of the design process.