EN17037 - The Daylighting Standard - VELUX Commercial

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EN 17037 – The daylighting standard

Natural light is essential for energy efficient, healthy and comfortable commercial buildings.

EN 17037 is a European standard helping designers achieve appropriate levels of natural daylight in any type of building.

Its focus isn’t just on the quantity of daylight for building users, but also the quality.


There are 4 areas of daylight design that the standard covers

Daylight provision:

Achieving the right illuminance levels is important for the comfort and safety of building users, and also has a say in whether artificial lighting is required.

Assessment of view:

Research shows that having access to a view impacts positively on a building user’s wellbeing. EN 17037’s assessment of view recommends people should have a large, clear and preferably natural view.

Access to sunlight:

Calculating access to sunlight is a comfort and health factor. Overexposure can be detrimental, and the standard recommends that at least one habitable space in dwellings, hospitals and schools meets the minimum performance level to create a calmer space.

Prevention of glare:

Prevention of glare is concerned with removing the probability of glare for building users and results in a less distracting and more comfortable environment.


The option to move seats to escape uncomfortable glare does not always exist, so EN 17037 makes recommendations based on people being unable to choose where they sit.

EN 17037 gives designers the flexibility to choose what performance level is achieved, and the tools it outlines can be applied to existing buildings as much as new building designs.

Commercial environments with good daylighting have been shown to improve job satisfaction, and promote more effective learning in classrooms. Daylighting design can be a complicated concept to think about in building design, but seeking advice at an early stage smoothes the process considerably.

Roof and façade glazing offers greater access to unobstructed sky and sunlight, bringing daylight deeper into a building.

Modular skylights provide a design solution to achieve good daylighting while also contributing to the building’s energy balance and ventilation strategy.

For more information on the EN 17037 standard, download the VELUX Commercial whitepaper.

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