Governance and rules for the use of the ‘Build for Tomorrow - Act Now’ sustainability hub

Governance and rules for the use of the ‘Build for Tomorrow - Act Now’ sustainability hub


The objective of the Build for Tomorrow - Act Now’ sustainability hub is to generate ideas and promote discussion on how the construction sector, and built environment, can deliver a more sustainable sector today and tomorrow. It is not intended as a means of selling or promoting any company’s brand, products, or services.
We welcome contributions in the form of content from individuals and organisations who want to join the debate to promote the above objective.
Any content posted on the hub must abide by the following governance rules, or it could be removed/refused publication.

1.     No contribution shall explicitly, directly, or indirectly, promote a product, material, brand, or service.

2.     No contribution shall explicitly, directly, or indirectly, demote or criticise a product, material, brand, or service.

3.     Abuse, or any form of maltreatment, will not be tolerated and will be removed.

‘Industry Voice’ guidance for the ‘Build for Tomorrow - Act Now’ sustainability hub

The objective of the ‘Build for Tomorrow - Act Now’ sustainability hub is to generate ideas and promote discussion on how the construction sector, and built environment, can deliver a more sustainable sector today and tomorrow. It is not intended as a means of selling or promoting any company’s brand, products, or services.

The objective of having a number of ‘Industry Voices’ on the site, made up of construction sector and build environment leaders, is to enable the site to gain critical mass, through association, to promote the objective above.